monkey business | de: Unfug

  • Date a f@ck*ng asian…

    Tru dat. [via]

  • Resistance is futile…

    As already twittered, now the evidence has popped up that no one, not even myself, can resist to perform the infamous YMCA by the village people: IYF YMCA (in your face young men’s christian association)

  • Something german…

    Was mir letzens wieder eingefallen ist: „Exau mein Name. Doktor Exau.“

  • Obligatory moep

    So here it is, my obligatory moep. Although I could tell something, I just don’t have the time to blog. This post is created via my mobile phone and just before I am going to work… One or two more things: I will be attending two different weddings. One on friday and one on saturday.…

  • Rain…

    At last… the rain has come to Hamburg as well. The last days have been hot. Not that dry heat you would get in Arizona (wink to Walter), but a very humid heat. The rain was forecasted for Friday and finally on Sundays it actually came. The weather announced itself with rumblings and thunderclaps that…